Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thankful 17

I am thankful for nature!
I like nature, outdoors things, God's creation. Here are some of my favorites...
  • I like seeing all the different colors of fall leaves. I like to take walks and look at all the varieties of colors. I like to hear the sound of crunching leaves under my feet.
  • I like to sit and listen to the birds chirp.
  • I love to look at a full or almost full moon when it is huge and yellowish orange.
  • I like to see the reflection of that same moon shine off the lake.
  • I like to try and pick out all the different colors of a sunset.
  • I like to sit in my warm house and watch the snow fall.
  • I like the sound of waves crashing on the shore.
  • I like to see big huge waves and their white caps come crashing in.
  • I like to sit and watch deer in the woods.
  • On year I had fun watching a squirrel sit on our front porch and eat a pumpkin we had out there. He must have made a hole in it and was eating the insides. At one point he had the whole top part of his body in the pumpkin! It was cute.

Thank you Lord for all You have created. Thank you that I can enjoy everything You made with all my senses!

Thankful 16

I am thankful for my kids teachers and school!
I really like the public school that my kids go to. They have great teachers who seem really passionate about their jobs and they seem to have a genuine desire to see their students do well. My husband and I communicate as often as needed (and sometimes more) with the teachers and are helping in the classrooms when ever we are able to. We desire to know how our kids are doing and their teachers are more than willing to sit down with us or call whenever we ask them. We feel we have a great relationship with our kids teachers and school.
My husband and I went to parent teacher conferences a few weeks ago and told both teachers that we were praying for them. We don't know where they are spiritually but we wanted to let them know that we were praying. They both said thank you, so I don't think they were mad or anything.
I love that my kids can go to school and that they can come home and we can also teach them. They will not learn about God and creation and the Bible at school, but they will learn about it at home, which is where they are supposed to learn about it. For example: they both learned about caterpillars and butterflies in first grade. When they came home from school and told me about what they learned I said, "Wow that's pretty neat! And do you know something else that's really neat? God created the caterpillar to change into a butterfly! It was all part of His plan for that caterpillar. Pretty cool!" I love those teachable moments!
Thank you God for my kids school and teachers. Thank you for willing and passionate teachers. Thank you that we are able to teach them every day about You. Please work in their hearts and open them to you.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thankful 15

I am thankful for books!
I love to read! I don't remember if I enjoyed reading as a child. I think I kind of liked it as a teenager. As an adult, I really love reading (when I have the time).
What kind of books do I like? I enjoy Karen Kingsberry books sometimes. While I do enjoy her writing style and can get lost in her books, that is usually the problem. I have a hard time putting the book down and doing something else, usually something that needs to get done around the house. To me, her books can be addicting. Even though they are "Christian" novels, I think I'd rather be addicted to other books. I am in the process of reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. This is a good book! Let's see, I'm also trying to read "Lord, I Want to Know You" by Kay Arthur and "Good and Angry" by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller. One of the problems I have is that I start lots of books and I don't remember what I've read in each book. I should probably start one and read it all the way through before I start another one!
I love children's books too. I'm not exactly when I started buying them but we definitely had more children's books than "big people" books shortly after our first child was born! I loved reading to my 2 kids, actually I still do. We could sit for quite awhile reading together. My daughter who is 7 still loves to read. She will sometimes sit for an hour or so just reading. My 9 year old son on the other hand usually puts up a fight when asked to read. Some days are easier than others with him. Actually, he'd rather read in bed than after school. That's fine with me, as long as he is reading.
Thank you Lord for books to help grow my mind. Thank you for books I can read for entertainment and books I can read for wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for books as they bring me and my family closer together.
Thank you most of all for your word, the Bible. The best book (I think) ever written!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thakful 14

I am so thankful for Church!
I love going to church! I love going to a place and worshiping God. A place where I can hear biblical teaching that encourages me to know and desire God more. A place where I can be with other people who desire to worship the same God and who desire to hear the same biblical teaching. I love going to a place that desires to share the good news of Jesus with others who don't know it. I am thankful for the pastors who passionately teach about the Love of God. Thankful for all the Sunday school teachers who give of their time to teach children about God's love. Thankful for all the people who help set up and take down equipment, do the power point/media things, and take care of refreshments. I am thankful for all the people who love God so much that they will serve where ever they are needed in order to share the love of Christ with who ever walks through the doors.
I am so thankful (even though unfortunately I take it for granted) that I can freely go to a church and not be afraid of getting caught. Thankful that I don't have to meet in secret because I could get beaten or killed if the government found out I was worshiping God.
So I guess not only am I thankful for my church, but I am thankful that I can freely worship, learn about, and talk about my God.
Thank you God for church! Thank you for a place where we can go and worship You! Thank you for everyone's desire to help where ever needed in order to share Your word. Father, please be with believers in parts of the world who have to worship You in hiding for fear of their lives. Please encourage them and lift their hearts. Help me not to take for granted my freedom to worship You!

Thankful 13

Behind a day again :( Oh well, let's just keep going and post twice tonight!

I am thankful for friends, all kinds of friends!
I feel so thankful for all the friends that the Lord has blessed me with. Friends that He has allowed me to cross paths with and get to know on a variety of different levels.
I have different "groups" of friends...
My knitting friends. Girls (I have not become friends yet with any guy that likes to knit, but I am ok with that) that are into knitting as much as I am, if not more. I love to get together and knit, see what they are working on, get help when I am stuck, talk, and just hang out. Sometimes when we get together I get a lot accomplished and sometimes I don't. But that's ok as long as the company is good!
My church friends. Friends that share the same beliefs and faith as I do is very important to me. These friends keep me accountable and on track, check up on me and challenge me to live what I believe. They make me laugh and I have a great time with them.
My work friends. People that I don't necessarily have much in common with except that we work together. But with some I feel that they are more than just co-workers, they are a friend.
I am so thankful for all the friendships I have. However I feel like I have a hard time keeping them all "going" at times. I'm not good at calling friends or scheduling times to get together. Sometimes I feel like a bad friend if I haven't talked to someone in awhile, granted they can call me too. Ok, stop feeling guilty and keep being thankful.
Thank you Lord for all the friends you have blessed me with! Thank you for the way each person has touched my life in a different way. Thank you for the gift of friendship and please help me to be a better friend each day.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thankful 12

I am thankful for family game nights!
I love playing games with my family! Tonight we played Apples to Apples and we had so much fun. I love to see us all laughing together and having fun. Sure we don't always get along...the kids fight with each other...I yell cuz they are kid cheats and the other gets husband and or I are tired...the list could go on. But who's family is perfect? No ones! So we may have rough moments, but the times when we are all playing nicely together remind me that we are ok. And I thank the Lord for my family and thank Him for creating each one of us exactly the way we are!
Thank you Lord for the fun times we have together as a family! Thank you for the unique person you've created each one of us to be!

Thankful 11

So I didn't get to post yesterday and here's why...I waited too late in the day. I was going to do it last night around 10:00 but my husband was on the computer doing homework and he didn't finish until sometime after 1:00 AM. By that time I was fast asleep. So I'm gonna post twice today...hopefully!

I am thankful for soldiers and their families!

With yesterday being Veteran's Day I really want to post about being thankful for all the men and women who give their time and sometimes their lives for this country! I am thankful that there are people fighting for and protecting my freedom every day. Thankful for the sacrifices these men and women make to help keep our country safe.

Unfortunately, I don't always remember these men and women. I don't always think about people, separated from their families, fighting to keep me safe. I don't often think of the children who's mom or dad are so far away from home for many long months. And who probably wonder every day if their parent will come home or not. So many lives being turned upside down, scattered, separated, confused, all to protect us Americans who often times don't think about all their sacrifices.
I turned on the radio yesterday and caught the last half of a 2 part series on Focus On The Family called The Impact of PTSD on Military Families (part 2 of 2). I was a block away from home when I turned it on. Not being able to pull myself away from the radio, I sat in my parked car in my driveway just crying while listening to the stories being told. I never realized what some soldiers actually go through in war and especially after, all to protect our country. And what their families go through as well. Here is the link for the first part of the series on Focus On The Family.
Thank you Lord for all the soldiers protecting our country and our freedom!
Thank you soldiers for your dedication, sacrifices, and protection!
And Lord, please help me not to forget all that these men and women do for our country. Help me to remember all they are giving up to keep me and my family safe. Help me not to remember and be thankful only on Veteran's day, but everyday throughout the year!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thankful 10

I am thankful for hot cider (or other hot drinks) on a cool fall or winter day!
I love having a hot drink on a cold day. Maybe curling up on the couch with a cup of steaming hot something...cider, cocoa, coffee, tea... covering up with a warm blanket and reading a good book. Or reading with my kids. Or watching them play nicely together. (ok so that doesn't happen often, but once and a while they surprise me!)
I like to tightly wrap my hands around the hot cup and feel the coldness of my hands fade to warmth. To feel the warm steam on my face and smell the yummy aroma of what ever drink of choice is in my cup, is something I am thankful for.
I think that hot drinks bring people together. Friends talk and share life over a cup of coffee. Families spend time together drinking hot cocoa and watching a movie after playing outside in the snow. Grand kids help Grandma make hot cider for everyone to enjoy after they've helped Grandpa rake all the leaves. Two thermos', one with coffee and one with hot cocoa, for father and son to take with them while they go for a hike through the woods.
There seems to be something special about hot drinks (especially on cool days or nights) that makes me think people seem to... slow down more, enjoy each others company a little deeper, or just be still and content. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this. But if so, that's ok!
Thank you for hot cider on a cool fall day. Thank you for the time I can spend with a friend or family member. Thank you for things that bring people together. Thank you for warmth on a cold cold day! Thank You!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thankful 9

Today I want to say that I am thankful for random notes.
It makes my heart so thankful and happy when I receive a random note from someone! I feel many different emotions depending on who it's from and what it says. They don't have to be long and they don't have to be on fancy paper. The spelling doesn't have to be perfect and the writing doesn't have to be neat. It just makes me feel good to know that someone cared enough to take the time and write me a note for whatever reason.
I love finding note in various places at random times from my my car, on the table, on the counter. Nothing super fancy or elegant, just a note that says "I love you!" or "I'm so glad God gave you to be my wife!"
I love getting little notes from my kids. This morning I asked my daughter to clean up her room. When I asked if she was finished she came out and handed me a piece of paper and said, "Sorry I didn't clean like you asked. I wrote this instead." It was a note on a piece of notebook paper that said something like, "I'm sorry you don't feel good. You are the best mama. I thank God for you. I have so so so much fun with you! I love you." Reading that note with her standing there looking up at me made me feel so loved and thankful. (We cleaned her room together later)
Getting a note in the mail from someone just because is always fun to receive. Or someone sending a note of encouragement is a blessing too.
As I am typing this a few people are coming to my mind that I feel I should send a quick note to for various reasons. Because for as much as I am thankful for receiving notes, I'm sure others are too. And I'd love to bless someone with a random note just like others have blessed me!
Thank you Father for the blessing and the gift of random notes. Thank you for the encouragement they give me and the joy they bring to my heart! Help me to desire to share that joy and blessing with others by sending my own random notes!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankful 8

I am thankful for being able to listen to programs on line.
It's amazing how far technology has come! It can be scary at times to think about how advanced the internet is but at the same time it's pretty cool. To think that a pastor in California can preach a sermon on a Sunday morning and someone in Africa can listen to that sermon on line either right away or a short time later. (I'm not exactly sure how quickly all that takes. I'm not very technology smart!)
I am thankful that if I miss a Sunday service at church, I can get online at my convenience and listen to the message. Now I'm not saying it's a good idea to miss church. I would much rather be sitting in the service participating in the whole experience of that day. But if I have to teach Sunday School or if one of my kids or myself are sick then at least I can hear what the Pastor's message was.
Sometimes I'll be in the car and catch the last part of a radio program that sounded really interesting. I can go on line and listen to what I missed. I am thankful for that.
I love my local radio stations but sometimes I like to listen to other stations. I can listen to them on line as well.
These are a few of the sites I like to listen to...
I know there are a lot of not good things on the internet. But I also know that there are a lot of good things. I KNOW that God is at work and is using the internt as one way to reach people.
Thank you Lord for allowing your word and message to reach so many that may not have been reached, through the advancement of technology ie. internet. Thank you Lord for working in amazing ways!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thankful 7

I am thankful for Sunday night family dinner!
I am so thankful that my 2 sisters, their husbands and kids, my parents, and my husbands and kids and I all live in the same city. I am also thankful that Sunday nights are family dinner nights at my parents house. I love getting together to eat and spend time with each other. Sure the night is usually crazy with...
  • the dog barking at one or both of my brothers in law
  • one or more of the 6 grandkids crying, fighting, yelling, laughing, running, jumping, etc.
  • food getting spilled
  • the dog eating off someone's plate (unless she's put away, which we usually do now)

So even though Sunday dinners are crazy, I am so thankful that we are all so close and that my kids are able to grow up being so close to all their cousins and grandparents!

Thank you Lord for family dinners. Thank you that we are all able to get together and share a meal and family time together. Thank you that my kids are able to spend time with and know their cousins and grandparents.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thankful 6

As I sit here yawning, thinking of what to post about today, unfortunately all I can think about is my bed and sleeping.
I am thankful for my comfy king size bed!
I like the fact that I can cuddle with my husband for awhile and then be able to have my own space later in the night. Here's a funny story about that...
We had a full size bed when we first got married. So we were pretty close at night. After about 5 or 6 months we decided that even though we loved each other and liked being close, we really wanted a bigger bed. So we decided to get a king size bed. The very first night we had our new bed we started out cuddling next to each other on his side of the bed. I remember him saying, "why did we get a bigger bed if we are still so close to each other?!" (He was just kidding.) Some time in the night I moved over, WAY over to my side. Then later into the night I must have realized that we were not close to each other anymore. I guess I had forgotten we had gotten a bigger bed. So I kinda felt around for him but couldn't find him. I start freaking out and calling his name thinking he had fallen off the bed! He kinda wakes up and says, "I'm right here! Go back to sleep!" I felt him, remembered we had gotten a bigger bed, and went back to sleep. We both laughed about it the next morning (even though I felt a little foolish) and still laugh about it to this day :)
I also like being able to squeeze 2 kids, husband, and myself all into bed to watch a movie together, read a book, or just hang out and talk!
Thank you God for providing me with a comfy, warm, safe place to sleep and hang out with my family!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thankful 5

I'm not exactly sure what to be thankful for today. Ok that doesn't sound right. I am thankful for many things today as i am every day. What I mean to say is I'm not sure what I am thankful for today.
This came to my mind so this is it, what I'm thankful for today. It's not a "profound" as the past days but it is what it is.
I am thankful for internet recipes. Don't get me wrong, I really like using actual cookbooks. Maybe even more than the internet. But sometimes it's just easier to jump online and look something up. Or if we're tired of the same old meals and I don't have any other cookbooks at home I can look online. I like reading the reviews and adjustments people have made. I enjoy seeing what friends have been cooking for their families. I really like the convenience of looking up recipes online. And if I've found one that "turned out" and that we like, I'll either print it or write it out and then put it in my recipe book for later use.

Thank you Lord for allowing me to be able to make food for my family and our friends. Thank you for providing the resources needed to do this!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful 4

Today I am thankful for my mama. My mom is the most sacrificial mother I know. Unfortunately I can not remember much from my childhood. But from what I can remember, my mom has sacrificed her time, money, energy, and even sleep for my family and I. Now I feel that her sacrifices go too far many times in that she is always putting others needs before her own and I am constantly asking her to slow down and rest. But she won't and I know it's because she loves her family so much! My mom doesn't complain often and can usually muster up a smile even if she's not feeling like it. She is always willing to listen, laugh and cry with me. She loves me for who I am. She tells me she's proud of me. She makes me feel special and loved.
My mom is not perfect, none of us are. She made her share of mistakes as a mother, who doesn't? She struggled at times but did her best to be the best mom she could be, and for that I am truly thankful! I am so thankful for my relationship/friendship I have with my mama!
Father, thank you so much for giving me the mom that you did! I love her so much and desire to be like her in many ways. Thank you for knowing just what I needed in a mother and giving her to me even before I was created!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankful 3

I am thankful for Nancy! Nancy is my Titus 2:4-5 "older woman". I've known Nancy for many years as a fellow sister in Christ. Nancy is older than me in age and in her walk with God. He allowed our relationship to change into a Titus 2 relationship about 2 years ago. Since that time the Lord has used Nancy to help me
  • see and BELIEVE who I am in Christ
  • believe God is who He says He is and loves me as much as He says He loves me
  • understand that I was believing many lies from Satan

Some days seem easier to believe than others but I am working on it (hence the name of my blog!) I am so thankful for all the many talks, prayers, tears, laughs, truths, fears, promises, and so many other "things" I've been through with Nancy!

Thank you God for putting Nancy into my life at just the right time. Thank you for her wisdom, love, patience, encouragements, honesty and desire to serve You! Thank you for my Titus 2 relationship :)

Thankful 2

Well it's only the second day (well now it's technically the third) and I'm already behind. Oh well, at least my second day of thanks fits right in...
I am thankful for God's promises in Lamentations 3: 22-23. I am thankful that even though I mess up, God is right there. He is compassionate and loving. Every day He gives me more, even though I don't deserve it. So even though I missed a day already and am beating myself up about it and feeling down, God is saying to me, "No big deal darling. So you missed a day. Just get up and start again! Let's go I'm right here with you."
Thank you Father for always loving me and for giving me more and more love, compassion, and mercy every day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thankful 1

While trying to make my way through the 300+ statuses on facebook that I was behind on reading, I saw something on someones status that caught my eye. I don't remember who's it was (sorry) or what exactly it said, but I remember something along the lines of:

  • November
  • thankfulness
  • sharing each day

That sounds like a good idea: blog each day from November 1st till November 25th (Thanksgiving) something I am thankful for.

I only have 55minutes to get this first one posted or I'll be behind already. No pressure or anything! OK, here goes...

I am thankful for my salvation. Thankful that even though I don't deserve heaven and that there is absolutely no way I can ever get there on my own, God loves me so much that He made a way. John 3:16

Thank you LORD for loving me and for saving me. Thank you for making a way for me to spend forever with you. I am thankful!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Phewwww that wasn't so bad!

Well my husband and I sat down with the kids one day after school last week and asked them what their questions were about babies. Here's what they asked...

Q. Why does God let a girl who's not married get pregnant if He doesn't want her to?
A. God's wants a man and a woman to get married before they have a baby. We have a choice to
either obey or disobey. Some people will choose to disobey God and they may get pregnant.
Q. How does someone get pregnant?
A. A part from the woman and a part from the man come together and forms a baby.
Q. (I think my son asked) Yeah but how? (but I kinda didn't hear him and then his sister
started talking so he kinda dropped it. Which honestly I was kinda relieved but would have
done my bet to answer if he kept asking.)
Then we read How Did God Make Me? The Miracle Of Birth By: Matt & Lisa Jacobson. The story said that when God was ready for the baby to be born it came out the birth canal. (they didn't ask anything about that.)
We asked them if they had anymore questions and they said no. We asked if they were sure and they said yes. I told them I was so glad that they wanted to talk to us about these questions and if they ever wanted to know anything else about this to ask us.

1st talk done...many more to follow. Hopefully? Hopefully!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Call it what you want

Call it what you want..."the talk" "the birds and the bees" "where do babies come from". Whatever you call it, how ever you word it, it all means the same to me and maybe some of you... "AAAHHHH!!! No not yet!" My son who is 9 and daughter who is 7 have been curiously and frequently asking me, "yeah but HOW does the baby get out of the mom's tummy? How does the baby get in? If God wants people to be married first and they are not why would he let them have a baby and how did they get the baby?" As they are innocently asking ME these questions (why are they not asking their dad?!?!) I try to remain calm on the outside. But inside I'm a wreck! "AAAAHHHH, what do I say? I can' t tell you THAT! You're both too young to know about this! Oh Lord, please help me!"
They have been asking questions like these on and off for awhile and I've been pretty good at getting around the question enough to satisfy them. But lately I've been convicted that I need to toughen up and answer their questions.
Why is it so embarrassing? Why do parents dread this topic so much? Maybe because after the fall Adam and Eve realized they were naked and were embarrassed. Maybe because Satan doesn't want us or our kids to know the truth. He wants them to believe lies as truth, to be tempted and to give into that temptation.
Whatever the reason is to why this topic makes me blush the truth is... it does. But I want my kids to hear the biblical truth about this topic from us (their parents) before they find out the "world's" definition and lies.
So with lots of prayer, some good resources, more prayer and honesty, my husband and I are going to answer our kids questions as openly and honestly as we can. I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

God planned

I had the night all to myself. I hung out with my sister for a little while and then debated what to do next. I could go home and fold laundry or wash dishes (which I didn't really want to do) or I could go to the store and return some un-needed school supplies (which I didn't really want to do even more). I wanted to go home and veg but I decided to go and return what needed to be returned. As I was walking towards the store I saw a child who looked a lot like the child of some of our friends. But no it can't be, they moved pretty far away. Then I saw the child's mom. NO WAY!! They're back!?!? I waved and went over to talk to them. I found out why they are back and told them some updates about us. I also told them that we have some friends who live near them and would love to get them connected so they can know a familiar face or two. We say our good byes and I return my school supplies.
As I aimlessly wandered the store I thought about how awesome and big our God is. Had I not gone to the store like I wanted, I never would have seen my friends. Yes, God could have connected us at another time. But I think God planned that we were at the same store at the same time and were able to meet and talk and hopefully connect them with our other friends. God you are amazing!