I am thankful for soldiers and their families!
With yesterday being Veteran's Day I really want to post about being thankful for all the men and women who give their time and sometimes their lives for this country! I am thankful that there are people fighting for and protecting my freedom every day. Thankful for the sacrifices these men and women make to help keep our country safe.
Unfortunately, I don't always remember these men and women. I don't always think about people, separated from their families, fighting to keep me safe. I don't often think of the children who's mom or dad are so far away from home for many long months. And who probably wonder every day if their parent will come home or not. So many lives being turned upside down, scattered, separated, confused, all to protect us Americans who often times don't think about all their sacrifices.
I turned on the radio yesterday and caught the last half of a 2 part series on Focus On The Family called The Impact of PTSD on Military Families (part 2 of 2). I was a block away from home when I turned it on. Not being able to pull myself away from the radio, I sat in my parked car in my driveway just crying while listening to the stories being told. I never realized what some soldiers actually go through in war and especially after, all to protect our country. And what their families go through as well. Here is the link for the first part of the series on Focus On The Family.
Thank you Lord for all the soldiers protecting our country and our freedom!
Thank you soldiers for your dedication, sacrifices, and protection!
And Lord, please help me not to forget all that these men and women do for our country. Help me to remember all they are giving up to keep me and my family safe. Help me not to remember and be thankful only on Veteran's day, but everyday throughout the year!
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