Friday, January 30, 2009

Mean Girls Update

Ok so here's the latest... Annika's teacher talked to the whole class that day about how clubs and passwords and things like that hurt other kids feelings and make them feel left out. She then had the class role play a similar situation. When I talked to Annika later that day I asked her about recess and she told me that they can't use passwords and that she played with E and E and S at recess. Good :)!
When I put Annika to bed that night I talked with her a bit and told her that God created her special and that He loves her so very much. I told her that when it seems that no one likes her that God will always love her. I said "Did you know that even before you were born God knew all about you and loved you very much! How amazing!" She responded, "Why couldn't you tell me this yesterday when I was having a hard day?" I said, "I'm sorry but I am telling you now." "Well, can you tell me all that again when I'm having another hard day?" she asked. "Of course I will" I said.
How sweet! I love talking with my kids when they are snuggled up in bed. It seems like I have all their attention and it's just a great bonding time. They hate when it has to end and I get up to leave. I sometimes wish I could stay there all night and talk with them, watch them fall asleep and eventually fall asleep with them. But I have to get up and think (key word think) about getting things done around the house. Oh well, part of being a wife and a mom :)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

After reading this, I thought of Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

By Annika sharing her hurt with you and you talking to the teacher...then the teacher talking to the class... hopefully the end result will help keep more kids from feeling the sting of exclusion.