This morning on our way to my in laws house Annika asked, "Can I sing a song you don't know that I made up?" I said sure. She said it was about God and Thanksgiving or being thankful or something. She sang "We have our God," then she asked, "Can God here me sing?" and I said yes. Then she went on singing, "We have our God to be thankful for." She said, "I bet God is smiling." And I said "I bet He is smiling!" She continued to sing her made up song about being thankful for God and some of His attributes and it just made my heart happy! So many times I wonder about my children and their salvation. Especially when they are not obeying, whining, fighting with each other, etc. But moments like this I want to cherish.
Tonight while putting the kids to bed (We have 2) Paul, my 7 year old son, wanted to pray after I had finished praying. I was excited because he doesn't pray out loud very often. So he prayed something like this, "Dear God, I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone up there. In Jesus name, Amen." Then Annika wanted to "sing a pray" and it was again about God and being thankful. How precious! Moments like these help me to see that what we are teaching them is sinking in. And it's up to them how they will apply what they learn.
So I am thankful for my God and that He chose me... to be His daughter, to be the wife to the husband He gave me, and to be the mother of the 2 precious children He gave me.